
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Report

This document includes the most important climate and energy data from our sites in Europe and US in the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

Link Mobility GHG-report for 2022 is based on the principles from the Greenhouse Gas protocol (GHGP). This is the first year Link Mobility has calculated the climate impact from its activities. This report includes emissions from Scope 1 and Scope 2 sources.

We have collected available data from affiliates as described herein. Being the first year of calculating GHG emissions from our activities we experienced some challenges in terms of data availability and quality. We will continue to work on and improve our system for gathering climate and energy data related to our activities. We believe our system for collecting data will continue to improve in coming years, enhancing both data quality and availability, and lastly our GHG-reporting.

Link Mobility will continue to publish annually our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2, and continuously revise and update our figures/numbers if data quality and availability improves. Our goal is to include Scope 3 emissions in the future to give a more comprehensive picture of GHG emissions from Link Mobility’s activities.

The GHG-report has been made with assistance from the consultancy firm Stakeholder AS.