LINK Mobility 2021 Hackathon
We are excited to announce our first hackathon! It will be held on April 22-23 for all engineers in LINK Mobility.
A hackathon pulls together designers, developers and others who want to join forces to solve problems with technology.* Here at LINK Mobility, our hackathon is defined as an event to innovate and create amazing ideas as well as build community and grow LINK culture with colleagues.
This year’s focus is on exploring a relevant CPaaS product, service, or component. We want to continue our growth as a CPaaS provider and increase our offerings to our customers. The goal is for teams to create a prototype that can become a reality and eventually be built into a product or service. While we aren’t able to hold this hackathon in person, we are gathering online for this big event across our European footprint. This has led to this year’s slogan of “Apart not Alone.”
There will be 12 teams with a total of 60 participants spread across 16 units, represented from Group Engineering, LINK France, LINK Sweden, LINK Denmark, LINK Norway, LINK Italy, WebSMS, and Timsi. This year is only for internal employees, but the hope is to open the hackathon to include people and partners outside of LINK in the future.
The teams will compete by pitching their ideas to both a panel and the other participants who will evaluate the ideas and vote for the best. The jury is made up of a mix of product– and commercial-focused internal managers. This includes Phillip Grønvold (Director of Group Product), Francois Pierucci (Sales Director of France), and Jacqueline Hennessy (Product Director of Sweden) – all who have hands–on experience with CPaaS, the telecommunications industry, and the A2P market. In the end, one team will be chosen as the winner and receive a prize, in addition to their idea being realized.
Stay tuned for the results, coming soon after our Hackathon at the end of April!
If you have questions or want to learn more about our services, get in touch.
* https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hackathon