Startup.info interview with CEO Guillaume Van Gaver
Our CEO, Guillaume Van Gaver, has been interviewed for Startup.info, a global innovation ecosystem magazine. The focus is primarily on our reactions to the pandemic and how this past year has been a learning opportunity for all.
It also covers background on Guillaume and our organization, such as how we innovate. This interview was published as part of startup.info’s Innovators vs COVID-19 series.
To read the full interview, head over to Startup.info’s page here.
About Startup.info
Startup.info is an entrepreneurial and innovation magazine devoted to shedding light on the booming startup ecosystem worldwide. They are currently featuring entrepreneurs on their website. It is the first collaborative magazine dedicated to the promotion of startups with more than 100,000 unique visitors per month. Their two main objectives are to 1. put major business groups in contact with startups necessary for their transformation via application calls, and 2. make startups known to the innovative startup ecosystem, journalists, investors and early adopters.